Friday, February 6, 2009

Zombies man...ZOMBIES!!!!....and gum surgery.

So recently I've started to become obsessed with Zombies, probably due to the fact that I'm reading this book about a fictional Zombie "War" called "World War Z". The book is basically a compilation of fictional interviews where people from all over the world give their point of view of the "Zombie War" from pre-war, during war, and post-war viewpoints. It's really very interesting. I would recommend it to any fellow Zombie fanatic, along with another book I've acquired, "The Zombie Survival Guide" which is just as it sounds, and survival guide with all the knowledge you need to survive a Zombie apocalypse. Oh you may scoff now, but don't come crying to the only guy around with a Zombie survival guide once those rotting buggers start coming for your flesh.

Now that I think about it, I liked Zombies before I got those books, and it was the whole reason I got the books in the first place. I remember months ago beginning to form my "Zombie Plan", what I would do if Zombies attacked. It would take WAY too long to detail here, but if your interested, just let me know. To end this portion, I'll leave you with this: I once heard a saying that I totally agree with, "The worst part about a Zombie apocalypse would be trying to pretend it wasn't cool."

Now for part number two of this blog entry, my recently gum surgery. I know, it sounds packed with excitedment, but I just thought I'd give a brief synopsis of the details. So about...six months ago I went to the dentist, and normally when I go to the dentist I get nothing but compliments. I've never had a cavity and brush every morning and night (the only question I mess up on is "Do you floss?" Of course that one is a no, who really flosses that isn't OCD?) But this time they actually had some bad news for me. They told me that four teeth on my bottom....mouth, part, had receeding gums, or the gums at those teeth had gotten low, to the point where my roots were almost exposed. So they recommended me to a Periodontist, or gum dentist. At first I was sort of in denial, I wanted to just blow it off and pretend like my mouth was just fine. After all who's just dying to go and get surgery anywhere near their mouth? Or surgery in general?! But after a few months my mother, being the saint she is, convinced me to do something about it before I left on my mission and we made an appointment with Dr. Cassity, the Periodontist. The first time I went to him he checked me out and detailed the procedure, then we made another appointment for two weeks later to do the surgery (which I'll go into soon. Lucky you.)

Well that two week later appointment was last Monday, and I was NOT happy to be going. I hate having things done to my mouth, it felt like I was getting my wisdom teeth out all over again! Except this time I was awake! So they take me and get me settled, and the assistant lady rubs numbing stuff all over the area of the four teeth where the operation was to be. I made the mistake of touching it with my tongue so it got to be numb too. Then Dr. Cassity comes in and- well before I go any further I should have a warning to all those who are squeamish, especially as it deals with mouth parts, which makes some people even more squeamish. So here it is: WARNING!!!! THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES CONTAIN GRAPHIC WORDING ABOUT YUCKY AND OUCHY GUM SURGERY PROCEEDURES!!!!! DO NOT CONTINUE IF SQUEAMISH!!!!!! Okay there you go, from now on you can't blame me for anything. So the good doctor comes in and first thing takes out the needles. I'm so happy at this point. Luckily, the stuff the assistant rubbed on worked and I barely felt the needle. But now my entire lower jaw goes numb, which is weird but I'm actually happy about because I don't have to feel anything. Except I would prefer to not be awake altogether. But I am so I have to deal with things happening in my mouth to that I know are happening but I can't feel. It's a very odd feeling. So this is where it gets gross. The first thing he does is-are you ready for this?-he scrapes what gums I have left on those teeth open, the where the gum is hanging off my teeth a bit. I can feel him scraping it off and it makes me cringe even though I can't feel it. Then he takes donated tissue (from a dead guy, which I thought was really cool but apparently not all people do) and covers up the area that was exposed before but wasn't supposed to be. Then he stretched the gum part that he scraped off over the tissue. Finally, he sewed the gums shut, which was actually the longest and worst part of the procedure because I actually felt it a little bit, and he had to sew all the way around the four teeth individually. Then it was finally over, and wasn't so bad for a few hours until the numbing stuff went away. But eventually it did...

And boy did it hurt! It was worse than getting my wisdom teeth out! I've probably told most of you that I actually didn't do too bad when I got my wisdom teeth out. There wasn't too much pain and I didn't really swell at all. In fact I helped someone move the day after I got them out. Impressive right? So I guess now I had to pay for that. I've been hurting from Monday until about yesterday night, when most of the pain and swelling died down. I can still feel it of course today, but it's not too bad.

Actually, you know what the worst part of this whole thing is? Because of where the teeth are, I am forbidden for TWO WEEKS to eat anything that I have to bite into, which includes sandwiches and hamburgers and all kinds of things! Because if I do, it could open up the stitches and mess everything up. Also I can't really eat anything crunchy or crispy like popcorn or chips because of the same reason. So everything I eat has to be super soft, for the reasons above and also because my teeth are just plain sore, and it hurts to really chew anything. So I can tell you that I've had more pudding and jello in the past week than I ever have before! And I still have more than I week of it! Argh! This is gonna be tough...

So once again, I've written a novel. I guess it was a mistake to include two subjects but hey, they were both on my mind. Anyway, thank you for getting this far and thank you for reading my blog! Come back tomorrow and I'll have more tales of adventure and intrigue from my life, along with crazy ramblings from my head. See ya!


  1. The gum thing sound awful! Glad you're now in the feeling better stage. As for the Zombie thing, they freak me out. That movie with Will Smith still haunts me a bit. I think I'll pass on those books...

  2. Do you own the copies of those books? If so, I'd like to read them when you're finished. If they're library though, don't worry about it.

  3. Nope, they are totally mine! And yeah they're really good so I'd would mind letting you borrow them when I'm done...or when I leave on my mission. Whichever comes first haha I'm hoping it's the former.
