Thursday, February 12, 2009

And the saga rolls on...

Okay, so today I'm not sure I really feel like telling more of my life history (today's the "high school years"), but one thing you must know about me is that I'm slightly OCD and I have a hard time leaving thing unfinished once I start them. They must be completed. So, the story continues.

Alright, well, I began my Sophomore with very high hopes for my future, high school sounded amazing. Although I was disappointed to find out that high school did NOT have Wendy's, McDonald's, and other food chain lines like I was promised (I really thought they did when I was in Elementary. Someone told me that once...) But besides that it all sounded great. I continued life with my awesome group of friends and started to reunite with old friends I had left at North Ogden Jr. High, along with making entirely new friends with "the Valley kids".

Now I'm going to give you high school in a nutshell, because I don't feel like writing anymore. Sophomore year, Titanic the Musical, I play a 3rd class passenger named Edward Watson Ford, Learning to drive, driving everyone everywhere, everything is new, First Homecoming week we lost to Davis Darts, first dance=Sweethearts with Brittany Hathaway, Prom with Nikelle Holbrook, I am embarrassed ask me why, my friends start to split up I am very sad, I'm friends with all of them regardless, Junior year, Thoroughly Modern Millie, I play a promiscuous party boy (I got "drunk"), Homecoming with Shay Larsen, Halloween Dance with Colette, I go as a cow and she's a farmer, I pretend to eat hay, I join the National Honor Society, I start working at Decker Plumbing Supply, Nikelle asks me to Sweethearts our group is really small but it was fun, I asked Colette to Prom, Patrick helped me with his broken leg, we arrived in an RV and got looks (jealous), I apply to be an Honor Society officer and am accepted, I volunteer to be President, My friends are now all over the place, the glory days are over, I still manage to stay friends with everyone, Senior year, Beauty and the Beast, I get drunk again and attack a castle (and also have a line in the show, "He'll come stalking us at night!"), Homecoming football game we lose to Fremont, I take Kelley Hill to Homecoming Dance, I do much National Honor Society business, During Quarters and Cans week I get hypnotized with my buddies Monk and Mike, it's not like you think it is, but it's awesome, Mike, Jordan, and I have been going to Project Lead the Way classes all through high school and we quit the last class because it's unbearable, Jessica Griffin asks me to Morp, we were the Incredibles (it was hero themed), I ask Amanda Lallas to Senior Cotiollin and have a blast at my last dance, I've now accumulated many friends and acquintinces and have friends in many groups and walks of life, We all graduate and share joyous moments together, we almost die from exhaustion staying awake til 4 at the senior party. Done.

Okay, there you go, all...well most, of the major events of high school. Of course that's only like 1% of all that happened but there you go, you now know me up til I graduated. Tomorrow I'll finish my history by telling my life from graduation til now. Most of it is made up of looking at this computer. Until tomorrow, see ya.

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