Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm out of things to write...

So...............I don't really know what to talk about right now.....nothing is really happening now.....except the preparation of course....uhhh, today I went to Wal-Mart and spent $175, that's interesting right? I went there to buy the rest of the stuff I needed for my mission. Did you know there's a whole section devoted to travel-sized toiletries?! I stumbled upon it in the, I don't know, personal care section of the store, you know, with the shampoo and toothpaste and shaving cream, over there. It was quite handy, I bought a lot of travel-sized things, figured it would be easier to...travel with. Except...oh shoot, I might need more mouthwash than that....that bottle was tiny...I bought two of somethings, and maybe that adds up to just one regular-sized thing, but they were tiny and cute and I couldn't resist. Tiny little deoderants...how cute :) So that was fun, spending a ton of money (Not), and add that to the piles of stuff I bought at the missionary mall last wednesday, and we're looking at quite a hefty sum. It makes me feel bad because I've always tried to be the child that costs my parents less than everyone else, and now I'm costing them more than everyone else...it's rough. But of course it's for a mission, so it's worth it.

Oooo I got something! Wait, that might take to long, and as you know I'm trying to cut back on these novels so people will actually read them. I guess I'll save it for tomorrow. That means you have to come back and see what I've got up my sleeve... ;) See you tomorrow!

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