Monday, February 9, 2009

I forgot my glasses and that makes me mad

So today has been fraught with all sorts of misfortune. I woke up this morning and I was still sick, which I am angry about because I HATE sore throats. I also woke up to be slightly swollen from my gums again. I'm going backwards? No way, not acceptable. Then probably the worst thing that happened today, my car got absolutely buried in my little parking cove (the place where I park has to be the worst place to park in the universe in winter. When it snows it all gathers up in this little area that is surrounded by rock walls, which makes it really hard to remove the snow and unbury the car) because of the ridiculous amounts of snow we got at my house (if you don't know, my neighborhood has it's own weather system where 2 inches of snow in the rest of Ogden means 6 inches at my house) So it took me an hour and a half to unbury my car and finally get it out after many unsuccessful attempts of trying to back it out. I was an hour late for work. Then when I get here I realize that I forgot my glasses at home, and computer screens, and especially my work computer screen, are heck to use without my glasses. So the day has not gone so good so far. Here's to hoping it will improve.

As for that I don't really feel like writing anything else. Right now I'm having to squint with my face a lot closer to the screen than I'm comfortable with, so I'm annoyed. Hopefully tomorrow everything will work out and I'll be able to see so I can entertain you with my life. Until then, peace out.


  1. Hey! You don't really know me but I thought I'd comment anyways. I found out about your blog because you're my friend on facebook. I'm a senior at Weber this year so maybe you recognize me haha anyways...I love reading your blog! You have a lot of voice in your writing and you have a good sense of humor. I hope your day got a little better! Liz

  2. you know. i forgot my glasses one day at school... i don't know how i survived! i don't even know how i left the house without them! i could not see anything! just to give you a persective on how blind i am. the big E on the eye chart is blurry...

  3. Hahahahaha wow that is blind haha
