Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ahem, ahem...HELLO??? Anyone out there???

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Is anyone at there?-there-there....Is anyone reading this?-this-this....

AHEM, well ANYWAY, I'll do it anyway, if not to just kill some time.

Yeah, I'm back. I've been back for a couple of months. Actually, almost three! WOW! I can't believe it, you know it seems like its been so much longer...time goes by slow in the regular world...on my mission three months went by like THAT! (finger-snap)

I've adjusted I suppose. My current life consists of working at Utah State on the Moving Crew almost everyday til around 3, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Institute, then Saturdays and sometimes Fridays are reserved for social activities with friends. It going pretty well I would say. I'm just chilling until I move to Logan in the fall and start school at Utah State. I'm pumped to LEARN AGAIN! Yeah, I feel pretty dumb...3 years without higher learning...

On the upside, I just started Twitter again! Turns out I got an account way back in November of 2008, but hardly ever used it. Now that I'm back and its huge I decided to finally give in. For a long time I said I wouldn't, that I didn't like it or whatever but hey, I haven't got much else better to do so I figured I might as well. So look me up! I'm "@EvlConservative" or just type in my name, Cameron Decker. I'll be there.

Anyway, time to waste time somewhere else. Nice catching up with you, make sure to comment so I know someone out there actually read this. If not, well, I doesn't really matter because if you aren't reading this anyway I don't have to tell you what happens if you don't read it, cause you are reading it. Make sense? If not...just leave a comment. Dang Blog.


  1. So this is really weird. I got on the "Manniac" family blog to steal a quote I have on there and I happened to glance to the sidebar and notice that it said you updated "6 hours ago" ...talk about freaky! So yes, I am reading! And you are on my blog reader so I would have seen it eventually. Keep writing! I love reading what you have to say. :)
